Sunday, January 18, 2015

150118 Twitter Update

We’ve gone and come back~~~~~

정국님께서 참…
From Jungkook-nim it’s really…


trans © bts-trans

Saturday, January 17, 2015

150115 Golden Disk Award

150116 V Twitter Update

상받았어요~ 이거 아미한테 받은거라 생각하고 더더더더더멋지게 준비해서 더멋진무대 보여드릴게요~ 사진 어제 남준이형이랑 같은방이라 나도 남준이형 옷입고 똑같이 찍어봄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

We received an award~ I’ll think that we received this from ARMYs and prepare more more more more more coolly and show a cooler stage~ This picture, I was in the same room with Namjoon hyung yesterday, so I wore Namjoon hyung’s clothes and tried taking the same picture ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Translation credit bts-trans