Wednesday, February 19, 2014

[Fancafe] 140218 J-Hope - 5 mins……

오늘은 정말 진짜 희망 희망 데이였습니다~
여러분 오늘 하루 희망 희망하셨나요????????? 
2월 18일 정말 많은 분들이 축하해주시고 관심을 주셔서 1분 1초가 정말 소중하고 아미분들을 비롯해 가족 그리고 또 주위 분들에게 감사한 시간이었습니다 
오늘은 어떤 말을 해도 정말 감사하단 말과
사랑하다는 말 밖에 안 나올 것 같아요 
트위터로 말했듯이 오늘의 생일 촛불은 영원히 잊을 수 없이 제 기억 속에서 활활 타고 있을거에요.
감사합니다. 생일 촛불을 켜주신 만큼 
그 촛불!!!! 더욱더 밝게 빛날 수 있도록 노력하는 방탄소년단!! 제이홉이 되겠습니다 
사랑합니다..... 아미!!!!!@-@)

I’m Hob!!
Today has been a really really hopefulx2 day~
Has everyone’s day been hopefulx2?????????
Every second, every minute of February the 18th has been really precious with all the birthday wishes and concern I’ve received. Starting from our ARMYs, to family as well as the people around me, it has been a really thankful time.
Whatever I’ve to say today is really just-
nothing other than word of thanks and words of love.
As like I’ve mentioned on twitter, today’s birthday will continue burning like a candle, eternally etched in my mind.
Thank you very much. As much as you’ve given me that candlelight on my birthday
That very candlelight!!!! To make it burn brighter, I’ll work hard to become an even better J-Hope!! of Bangtan.

I love you….. ARMY!!!!!@-@)

Fancafe post link:
Trans cr; Denise @ bts-trans

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